Wisdom from PACE Participants

Wisdom from PACE Participants

In the last few weeks, InnovAge has collected pearls of wisdom from some of the more than 6,000 older adults enrolled in the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, or PACE. Here is some of what they shared, in their own words – pieces of advice, myths about aging, and the best parts of getting older.

Advice for a Younger Person
  • You have only so many years. Enjoy them!
  • Obey your parents. It doesn’t cost anything to be nice.
  • Surround yourself with positive people and have faith in your abilities.
  • Follow your passion. Do what you like to do!
  • Adapt to old age – sometimes it’s kind of messy. Don’t worry about wrinkles.
The Best Thing About Getting Older
  • You are wiser. I have some nuggets to drop on younger people if they will listen. You don’t get old being stupid.
  • You think more about what is right and wrong.
  • The best thing about getting older is you get away with a lot of crap and you get good senior discounts.

Myths about Getting Older
  • Older peoples live to sit in their rocking chair and do nothing. Many older people are an asset to their family and community.
  • When you get old, you lose spunk. We still kick, just not as high.

Do you have any advice, myths, or other pearls of wisdom to share?
Explore our website for more information about the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), with information on how to enrollcosts, and more.

If think PACE may be a fit for you or a loved one, take this self-assessment and have a senior care expert contact you directly.

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All of us are driven by a deeply meaningful mission and purpose: to help seniors live healthier, happier, more independent lives in their own homes and communities. Our survey results express that level of dedication and care.
