The Benefits of Growing Older

Seniors are changing norms and stereotypes around getting older. Many are finding ways to improve their quality of life and be a positive influence on older adults and others. Continue Reading

Reducing Food Insecurity for Seniors

“Seniors can struggle with food. There are many factors: some can’t stand up and cook, others have dementia and it’s not safe for them to use their ovens. We can help.” Continue Reading

Helping Seniors Thrive Independently

“Their medical and emotional health, social situations, and ability to do daily activities: the InnovAge care team works together to meet each senior's needs.”  Continue Reading

Sleep Hygiene: Tips for Better Rest

A good night’s rest can have a positive impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health. Learn habits that can improve the quality of your sleep. Continue Reading

Staying Connected

Staying connected with friends and family can help older adults better maintain their physical, mental, and emotional health. Continue Reading

A Whole Body Approach to Eating Right

Eating the right foods can help control weight and manage or prevent various diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. Maintaining a h... Continue Reading

Suicide Prevention in Older Adults

In 2020, people aged 85 and older ranked as having the highest suicide rates of any age group, with older men far surpassing older women in numbers. Individuals in the next youngest category, 75 to... Continue Reading

Benefits of Being Positive

“When I walk into the dining room I always say, ‘Hello everybody!’ says Debra, a participant at InnovAge's Denver PACE center. “I then walk over to folks and say, &lsquo... Continue Reading

Foot Care Tips for Seniors

Did you know that each foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and over a 100 muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves? It’s no wonder foot care is essential to stay healthy and maintain a good qua... Continue Reading

Five Reasons for Regular Eye Exams

Eye exams are important for everyone, but especially for older adults with chronic health conditions. Many underlying problems can go undetected until it is too late to prevent permanent damage. ... Continue Reading


InnovAge Recertified as a Great Place to Work

All of us are driven by a deeply meaningful mission and purpose: to help seniors live healthier, happier, more independent lives in their own homes and communities. Our survey results express that level of dedication and care.
