Lakewood Care Team Members

InnovAge Colorado PACE

Kelly Swanson

Genuine human connection is the basis of quality care and overall satisfaction. My goal in all things is to establish this connection with those we serve and with those who provide direct participant care. It is my honor to be in a position within an organization such as InnovAge that allows me to reach this goal day in and day out.  Read More

Joseph Johnson, MD

Great primary care is about creating a partnership between a patient and their care team. InnovAge puts the patient’s goals and individualism first.  Read More

Gabriel Silversmith, MD

PACE is a wonderful model that allows us to do what we love – care for older adults with complex needs.  Read More

Mark Learned, MD

I saw my mother care for her mother for more than 15 years after a traumatic brain injury, and I watched my father care for his mother as she declined from dementia. They were clearly labors of love – and Herculean labors in their own right. Spending my career at a place that tries to help seniors and families get the help they need is a tremendous honor.  Read More

Loan Pham, MD

I enjoy working at PACE and establishing long-term relationships with participants. I have the satisfaction of seeing their appreciation for life, learning from their wisdom, and listening to the best stories of days gone by. Read More

John Hall, DO

With a career-long focus on emergency and whole-body care, caring for older adults with complex needs goes to the core of why I got into medicine. I am proud to be part of a mission that helps to support, treat, and empower seniors in need. Read More

Letisha Deibert, MD

Caring for people is about giving others what they need when they need it. I'm proud to say I'm able to do that here at InnovAge. Read More

Patricia Hughes, DNP, RN, CCRN

One must listen to heal. Read More

Angela Petkoff, AGNP

My goal is to help participants enjoy the best quality of life. I believe listening and collaboration are essential to meet the healthcare goals of each individual. Read More

Allison Hosack, NP

I operate with integrity and compassion and I believe in developing strong patient relationships to better understand individual health needs and goals.   Read More

Catherine Mascarenas, NP

I enjoy caring for elderly people and I have been providing care for the elderly for over 20 years. They hold a special place in my heart. While I support others, I also ask for help when needed. Read More

Raquia Denson, DDS

Life is filled with challenges and triumphs. Our perspective makes the difference; I choose joy. I hope to impact others with that joy by serving those who are in the most need. Read More

Cecil J. Bottenbley, DMD

I enjoy talking with my patients and finding out about their lives and what they did for a living. They tell me some very interesting things! Read More


InnovAge Recertified as a Great Place to Work

All of us are driven by a deeply meaningful mission and purpose: to help seniors live healthier, happier, more independent lives in their own homes and communities. Our survey results express that level of dedication and care.
