The PACE Interdisciplinary Team

The interdisciplinary team, or IDT, is critical to the success of the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly.

InnovAge's interdisciplinary team of professionals, or IDT, is at the core of PACE, and is critical to its success. The IDT is required by federal guidelines established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for PACE providers such as InnovAge. 

At each of InnovAge's PACE centers, the professionals on the IDT plan, coordinate, and deliver personalized healthcare to each person enrolled in the program. This includes conducting initial and periodic assessments for each participant. As a whole, the IDT is responsible for plans of care and coordinating medical care 24 hours a day, every day of the year, for each enrolled participant. Care can be delivered at a local PACE center, in the participant's home, and, if needed, at facilities in the community.

Members of the IDT 
There are a minimum of 11 professionals on the IDT who determine and coordinate all medically-necessary care for each person in PACE. The required disciplines are:

Dentists, pharmacists, and other specialty care providers can also serve as members of an IDT. While most care is provided at a local PACE center, the IDT is responsible for planning and coordinating all medically-necessary care, which can include medical specialty care from a networked provider or facility in your community.  

For More Information 
More information on role of the IDT, assessments, and care planning is available from CMS. Clicking this link will take you to the CMS website and you will leave InnovAge’s website.

Please note that InnovAge PACE participants must receive all needed healthcare, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services) from InnovAge or a person or company authorized by InnovAge. InnovAge PACE participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of any unauthorized or out-of-network services.

Page Updated: 10/19/23

Do I Qualify?

Find out if you or your loved one qualifies for all-inclusive care, and have an InnovAge representative contact you directly.


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With locations in California, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, our senior care experts are ready to care for you or your loved one. Find an InnovAge PACE or LIFE center near you.


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All of us are driven by a deeply meaningful mission and purpose: to help seniors live healthier, happier, more independent lives in their own homes and communities. Our survey results express that level of dedication and care.
